
2011 Billboard Music Awards Worst Dressed Celebrity

It’s true that 2011 Billboard Music Awards witnessed many best dressed celebrities but there were definitely a few celebs who showed up at event in not so stylish looks.
2011 billboard worst dressed celebrity
Falling in our 2011 Billboard Awards worst dressed celebrity list are Nicki Minaj, Ke$ha and Mary J. Blige. Their different but still weird looks didn’t looked red carpet worthy and turned out to be fashion disaster.
keha billboard 2011 worst dressed
nicki minaj billboard 2011 worst dressed
“Pink Friday”
mary j blige billboard 2011 awards
Making a fierce appearance at the event was the hip hop diva Mary J. Blige who wore a leopard print Marc Bouwer Fall 2010 gown that takes her straight into Billboard Awards Worst Dressed Celebrity list.
So what do you think of 2011 Billboard Music Awards Worst Dressed Celebrity List? Is any name missing out?

